Available Puppies

These 6 puppies will be ready to go home the week of Thanksgiving 2023. They were born September 22, 2023, and are AKC registered. They come with their shots, de-wormed, and AKC papers.

Aspen is a male and has the white face like his grandpa, Kingsley.

Ember is almost all black, and she's female.

Linden is a male.

Maple has a little heart on her chest.

Pumpkin is probably spoken for

Rowan is most likely spoken for already.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to see photos of past litters.

The next set of puppies will be born in January 2024 (hopefully) and should be ready to go in March.

One Pup Left!

As of today, August 25, 2024, we have one pup left, a male who we call, Moon. Isn't he cute? He is affectionate, healthy, and playful.  ...