September 02, 2022

Pistols birth story -

Pistols Birth Story

We have been waiting patiently for Pistol to have puppies for a bit. She seemed like she was going to give birth early so we were on alert more than a week ahead of schedule.


Finally, the day had arrived, and Pistol’s first clue to her imminent delivery was her panting heavily.


I had the puppy room all ready to go. The pool was in place with receiving blankets, a nose aspirator, scissors, and baby wipes are all tools I utilize during a birthing.


The lightbulb over the pool was the only light on, providing warmth for the wet, newborn puppies.


I sat with her for a couple hours before she finally started to have contractions with her first puppy. I could see her water bag and 2 little puppy feet sticking out.


It took her about 20 minutes to actually start having strong contractions. I was a little nervous, this being her first litter.


The puppy was coming soon. It was a tight fit for the first puppy, and I assisted by grabbing the puppy's hips and gently applying firm, downward pressure. Only when Pistol was having contractions at the same time.


Out he popped! And I scrambled for the aspirator and suctioned his nose and mouth out.


The first puppy was breathing and looked good. I waited about 10 minutes before I cut the cord. I always try to let my moms chew it off, but her being a first-time mom, she didn’t want to focus on the cord.


The first puppy presented without a problem, and I crossed my fingers that the others would as well.


7 hours later... Pistol had 6 puppies total! All Black and white with most of them having white faces. 4 boys, and 2 girls, all healthy.


Pistol is a great mom, and she took care of each puppy as it was born.


I’m very thankful for the healthy puppies that we have each time.

And having a great birthing experience is a great way to start our puppies off in this life ❤️

Leave a comment below if you'd like to have one of these beautiful puppies.

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